All Blog Posts (209)

Jay Smith (1981) has passed away

It is with the deepest of sadness that I write that Jay Smith, HHS class of 1981, passed away in June, 2021 from complications due to an aggressive form of ALS ("Lou Gehrig's disease").  Jay was in excellent physical and mental health before the diagnosis in 2020; my understanding is that ALS arises from a genetic mutation for which medical research currently has no explanation.

Jay was a devoted spouse for 30 years, father to two wonderful children (Corinna and Andre), an athlete,…


Added by Wayne Smith on July 9, 2021 at 9:43pm — 1 Comment

Marjorie Celeste Belcher - Known professionally as Marge Champion -- Has Died at 101

At Bancroft Junior High and Hollywood High, this Hollywood native was known by her birth name: Marjorie Celeste Belcher. Later, Marge Champion was well-known in the world of dance. 

Here's her obituary from The Hollywood Reporter.

She partnered with her husband,…


Added by Rosalie Huntington on October 21, 2020 at 11:41pm — No Comments


I understand the ROTC program is going to be discontinued.

This is a tragedy. The program helped and saved a lot of students who would have otherwise involved themselves in less than positive activites. The program and it's leadership gave me desperately needed positive guidance at at time when I most needed it. It also helped me to develop leadership skills and a work ethic that assisted me through out my entire life. I am so GREATFULL for the ROTC program, SFC Overleesh, and MSGT… Continue

Added by Laurence M. Blocker, Sr on April 5, 2017 at 7:48am — 4 Comments

Tribute to Robert St. Armand Class of 1967

April 20, 1049. - December 20, 2016

Robert St. Armand, a long-time resident of Studio City, CA, died of acute leukemia at the age of 67. He was surrounded by his family and friends who sernaded him with his favorite Beatles songs.

He attended Carpenter Avenue School, Walter Reed Junior High and graduated from Hollywood High School. He attended Art Center College of Design. He was a prop man in the motion picture industry and later made a career as a finish… Continue

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on February 19, 2017 at 7:10am — No Comments

alumni day for 2017?

I'm scanning this face page and trying to find information about an Alumni day.  Is there going to be one this year and if so, what's the dates?  One class has its reunion already posted.  It would seem logical to plan class events around the general alumni meeting time.   Does this mean there is no plan for a  general gathering of all classes for 2017?

Added by ronald goldman on January 8, 2017 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Oscar Winner

Marcel Ophuls…Hollywood High School Alumnus…Oscar Winner


I always knew there were a lot of talented people who had attended my alma mater Hollywood High School in California, but I had no knowledge of the Academy Award winner Marcel Ophuls until recently. He won the Oscar for his documentary film “Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie” in 1988. The movie also received the International Critics Prize at the Cannes Film Festival that same year. His father was Max…


Added by Louis Flores on November 27, 2016 at 5:42am — No Comments

Marcel Ophuls: Academy Award recipient

Marcel Ophuls attended Hollywood High during World War 2, but was drafted for the army when he was 18 in 1946. Upon his discharge from the military he attended U.C. Berkeley. Then in 1950 Marcel and his family returned to Paris where he worked on films with John Huston and François Truffaut honing his craft. His career moved him into television although he…


Added by Louis Flores on November 26, 2016 at 11:52am — No Comments

Tribute to Dave Edney by Ernie Nieto Flores

Today my good ole buddy Dave Will be cremated and laid to rest tomorrow. Dave and I hung out at Hollywood High School and worked together for Grant Parking. On our free time we hung out with George Potts aka "Judge" and Big Steve. We'd go everywhere together from the mountains to the beach. Our favorite places to eat where Pioneer chicken, The original Tommy's and Pup-n-Taco. And more recently at his favorite donut shop where we'd have a plan donut with a great hot cup of coffee. Dave was a… Continue

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on October 5, 2016 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Roslyn Reps Nelson Wrote on September 28, 2016:

Hollywood High School
Thanks for the Alumni Chronicle Newsletter. enclosed is a check for $120 to go for dues next year and a contribution to the Scholarship Fund. I have worked with Lloyd Teel for many years on our yearly reunions Class of 1944. I graduated from UCLA in 1948' becoming a Math teacher at Bancroft Junior High befor having my own children. I am very proud to be a H H Alumni!

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on September 27, 2016 at 11:23am — No Comments

Darrow Bruck, Class of 1972 Passed Away

"Ariana Bruck Fulginiti (Class of 1970) wishes to notify members of the Class of 1972, specifically, and members of the classes of 1971 and 1970 as well, that my brother, Darrow Bruck (Class of 1972), unexpectedly passed away on August 27th. A memorial website has been specially created for friends and former classmates to sign on to express your happy memories, contextual reflections and thoughts on this very sad chapter of my life. Many friends have been notified by longtime friends Frank… Continue

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on September 20, 2016 at 5:14pm — 1 Comment

In Memory of Michael Wiggins Class of 1966

I know that you contacted me a few weeks ago about Michael Wiggins 50th year high school reunion.

Sadly, Michael passed away May 19, 2012 from colon, rectal, bladder cancer.

He fought a very brave fight for almost 5 years.

Michael was a wonderful husband.

He had accomplished a great deal in his 64 years. He worked in Japan for 20 years with Akai Electronics. He was head of the United States Division before leaving to open several Electronic Discount Stores.

He retired… Continue

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on May 31, 2016 at 10:14am — No Comments


The Hollywood High School Alumni Association is proud to announce the creation of the "Achieve the Honorable Scholarship" in the name of Coach (and Class of '58 alum) Dick Rippey. If anyone lived the three simple words from our school's slogan, it was Coach. This award will go to the student who best represents the qualities that selflessly echo in that phrase, in both actions and deeds... just as Coach Rippey exemplified.

The Class of '66 has started the ball rolling on this great… Continue

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on May 24, 2016 at 4:23pm — No Comments

My Memories of Dick Rippey.....

Dear Fellow Sheiks,


Like all Sheiks, I am saddened by our loss of Dick Rippey. He was an extraordinary

human being and even better mentor. I remember him as a rookie coach at LeConte

under Coach Hills. He was always to the point and as Coach Hills would say "He

took care of his own disciplinary problems!" Unfortunately those of us from S'66

didn't get to experience…


Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on May 8, 2016 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Longtime PE Coach Dick Rippey Passed Away - Saturday, April 30, 2016

It is with a heavy heart that I echo the news with fellow HHS alum - that Coach Dick Rippey passed away last evening, and had been at home, being cared for by hospice. He was a graduate of Hollywood High, as was his late wife Alice.

"Uncle Dick" as some of us came to know him - embodied what it meant to come from a school like Hollywood, and always strived to set the example of Achieving the Honorable. I know I speak for many of my classmates and…


Added by Sidney Allen (Sandy) Korda on May 2, 2016 at 12:36pm — 2 Comments

Obituary - Charles Salmore

The obituary for Charles Salmore is in the Sunday, Los Angeles Times, April 10, 2016 and can be viewed and commented upon at:…


Added by Rosalie Huntington on April 10, 2016 at 2:43pm — No Comments

Willy M. Guldstrand

My mother in law Willy often spoke about the Alumni Association. I looked on your page and saw her postings.

I just wanted to let someone there know she passed away last Tuesday in her home. This was following the passing of

her husband Dick by a little more than 2 months. We are still in a bit of fog at the moment. We are trying to plan

a memorial on the 5th of December.

If anyone there wants to give me some stories to share about her, that would be great. You now… Continue

Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on December 1, 2015 at 3:33am — No Comments

Honored feature films by 1970 UCLA MFA Alan Gorg _________________________________________________________ FilmTrax Award at the International Festival of Music in Film Blues Hall of Fame Sam Taylor—…

Honored feature films by 1970 UCLA MFA Alan Gorg


FilmTrax Award at the International Festival of Music in Film

Blues Hall of Fame Sam Taylor—



Added by Alan Gorg on September 18, 2015 at 9:13pm — No Comments


Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on September 7, 2015 at 9:25am — 3 Comments







Added by SUSAN J. SILVESTRI on September 7, 2015 at 9:00am — No Comments

Year Books

FYI everybody, they sell old yearbooks at the Student Store.

I just bought a 1975 year book for our upcoming reunion.  It cost $50, cash only.  They also had 1976, 1977, and many others. It felt great to go back, walk around campus, and tell my husband a lot of good memories.

Hope for a good turn out at  he reunion in October.  I am surprised at the low registration so far.

I started searching the obvious but couldn't find our school listed there, so I did…


Added by Marguerite Ghaly on June 15, 2015 at 2:15pm — No Comments

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"Please see the Alumni Day Flyer on the main page o this website. Best, Susan"
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