Tribute to Dave Edney by Ernie Nieto Flores

Today my good ole buddy Dave Will be cremated and laid to rest tomorrow. Dave and I hung out at Hollywood High School and worked together for Grant Parking. On our free time we hung out with George Potts aka "Judge" and Big Steve. We'd go everywhere together from the mountains to the beach. Our favorite places to eat where Pioneer chicken, The original Tommy's and Pup-n-Taco. And more recently at his favorite donut shop where we'd have a plan donut with a great hot cup of coffee. Dave was a great and loyal friend right to the end. Dave loved to give me a bunch of crap but always in a fun way and just for laughs. We've done a lot of crazy stuff together. Dave truly was a one of a kind guy. Our very last long drive was to go visit Judge in the hospital in San Bernardino. After our visit I drove him to check out a classic car dealership in Yucipia. We had a great time there as we always have. Throughout the day I'll be post some of the videos I took from that day. Dave my good ole buddy I'll miss you and I'll think of you often. Thanks for being a great friend and never ever judging me. Thanks for all the great drives and most of all for a lifetime of great fun filled memories. I'll cherish them forever my friend. I haven't forgotten the promise that I made to you during our last conversation. I'll kept it buddy don't you worry about that at all. And Dave I've always loved how you'd call me Ernesto and most of all that you always always said I love you brother and thanks for coming. Well Dave I love you my brother and I'll see you and Judge on the other side. Until then my good ole buddy don't you two cause too much of a ruckus in heaven. I wouldn't want you to to be evicted before I arrive.

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