Robert Zavala
  • 70, Male
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
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Robert Zavala's Friends

  • Geoffrey Melbourne Farrer, Jr.
  • Felice Barsky
  • Roberta Grapperhaus
  • laura Grayson
  • Valerie Elaine Estvan

Robert Zavala's Page

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At 12:06pm on September 6, 2014, Jack A. Walters said…

Rollin' On The River with Kenny Rogers and The First Edition:

Not being very techie, I was very impressed to learn that we could restore and preserve this historic 1970s classic television series by transferring the old 2 inch tape, called quad format to digital format, which improves the picture and sound quality.

If you enjoy the Rock n' Roll and R&B music of the '60s and '70s, you will enjoy the "Remember" DVD.  We have received many, many glowing reviews from the entertainment press.  Many of these reviews are posted on the web site.

At 12:23pm on October 12, 2010, Felice Barsky said…
ps..didyou ever find out how we could get a yearbook??? thanks...Hadas
At 12:19pm on October 12, 2010, Felice Barsky said…
Hello Robert....would you believe that i Just now joined i just saw all these messages....
anyway..i was wondering if by chance you have seen or heard about Laura Grayson and Kelly so love to get in touch with them....
thanks so much......Hadas ( feliz Barsky)
At 8:01pm on December 20, 2009, Felice Barsky said…
probably you dont recall who i am..but if you do....just wanted to say hello....Hadas Laureano ( Felice Barsky )!!
At 1:22pm on August 14, 2009, Ariana Bruck Fulginiti said…
Robert --
I hope you don't mind that I wanted a small tribute paid to your late brother (see Obits section -- without getting into anything, I merely wanted to get his name recognized for the sweet guy he always was and the gentleman and good dance partner I remembered him as).
At 7:34am on July 29, 2009, Ariana Bruck Fulginiti said…
Dear Robert,

I am SO sad to hear this...what a shock! He was such a sweet, great guy and always a gentleman and, honestly, a very sensitive soul. Was he your only sibling or do you have other brothers and/or sisters? I'll let my brother know I've heard from you. If you feel so compelled, I posted a really good photo of him on my own page. I've been trying to get him to register and explained that he can control the ebb and flow of how much information about himself he wants to release or share or control sharing. Actually, I'll be seeing him in less than two months -- he's flying out for a week to visit my husband and I here in Boston as we have a sad mission to undertake with a private memorial service at Ellis Island for our late mother. But DB hasn't been out this way for many years (we're always coming West so we've spoiled him!). While I have not gone through what you have (losing a brother), knowing the deep bond my brother (actually brothers and a sister, the other set from a second marriage) and I have, it would be inconsolable for me. Thanks for letting me know and being in touch with me.
At 12:04pm on July 28, 2009, Ariana Bruck Fulginiti said…
Dear Robert --

Are you related to Mark Zavala? He was in my class (1970) and I don't see him on this site anywhere. Since we are having our 40th class reunion in 2010 (July 24th is the tentative date), could you have him contact me AND head over to the Events link on to contact Valerie? My brother graduated in your class (Darrow Bruck) and you probably remember him (he was Student Body President of the class in senior year (1972). I see we have another person in common: Roberta Grapperhaus, also a friend of my brother's and I knew her late brother through a friend of a friend of mine.
Ariana (Bruck) Fulginiti
At 5:32pm on May 14, 2009, Roberta Grapperhaus said…
Well, thanks! Even all these years later, it's nice to know I was admired from not so far.
At 9:10am on May 14, 2009, Roberta Grapperhaus said…
Well, you have quite the memory! About all I remember from the Cinerama Dome is watching Blue Water, White Death about 50 times and Play Misty for Me even more times. I also remember how people would light up during the scary parts and it was fun to scare them even more when I told them to put their cigarettes out. Oh, and getting fired. That's about it. Do you remember Debbie Lowande? She worked there too, and right now I'm visiting her in Walnut Creek. We are still best friends 40 years later!
At 10:42pm on May 10, 2009, Valerie Elaine Estvan said…
We are trying to get something going with this site!
Connections and friendships lost...
Good to SEE you there my friend.
How is Kerry? Miss her. My dad found our graduation 8mm footage and it will soon be up on this site. Karen is on it....smiling backstage with us all...
Hope you are well.
My mom just had a stroke last week, but is getting better...just not going to be the same as in this picture. The folks are 84 and i am watching dad right now..

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