HHS 40 Year Reunion focusing on 1974 and 1975 Others Welcome.
Please save Friday-Sunday
October 16, 2015, Friday Night: TBD
October 17, 2015 Saturday: 10-3 Alumni Day @ Hollywood High School
October 17, 2015 Saturday: 6:30-Midnight @ Pickwick Gardens, Burbank
$125 early bird registration.
It will go up in increments and become $155 at the door.
October 18, 2015 Sunday: TBD
Registration will begin soon via The Reunion Committee. People planning to attend below...More info to follow.
Lisa Altmark Provenzano
Regina Asher
Julie Bane Wedeen
Patty Barletta-Farber
Steve Bishart
Guy Brenner
Steven Brooskin
Ruben Bustamante
Mayra Calderon
Paul Chuman
Georgia Ann Coquereau-Kimi
Kellie Cowles
Elyssa Davalos
Nadine Delgado
Clancy Dixon
Jon Edward Epstein
Anjelina Evangelista
John Felts
Stephen Fickes
Lisa Fong McDaniel
William Fuqua
Clara Garcia Sanchez
Michael Hacker
Lisa Hellgren
Reuel Herron
Jose Jimenez
Ivonne Roca
Kathy Jackson Ruiz
Lennart Greg Johnson
Bill Kennard
Sandy Korda if in town
Lisa Lee Diller
Judith Leebolt Bourne
Jim Leo
Betsy Loveland
Bruno Marcotulli
Michael Matus
Julie Mebane
John Mejia
Jon Melichar
Judy Molnar Muraszko
Lyle Morgan
Marsha Niles Slowinski
Melanie Onofrio
Nancy Osuna Christenson
Charlie LadyHarriette Pullen
Jayne Roses Landau
Natalie Rotondi
Ernie Sanchez
Wendy Sharp Farkas
Stefan Stein
Kathy Sure
Richard Swearinger
Eileen Washington
David Wedeen if in town
Chris Wood
RSVP for 40 Year Joint Reunion for the Classes of 1974 and 1975 to add comments!
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