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General Louis C. Menetrey (Ret.)./Class of '47. Survived by wife Jane Owen Menetrey/Class of '47.

Ted Neal/Class of '47. Served in WWII and Korea. Board member of Hollywood High School Alumni Association.
Madalyn Horton class of winter 1961. Born: 19 Apr 1943 Los Angeles California. Married: James Boekenoogen July 4, 1964 in Los Angeles, California. Died: February 12, 2006 in Gainesville Florida. Madalyn is survived by her loving husband Jim, sons Daniel and John Russell and, three beautiful grandsons. For most of Madalyn's life, she had been politically active in the Repub-lican Party. As a little girl, she attended her first campaign rally in 1956 for President Eisenhower and that was all it took. Madalyn was bitten by the political bug and never looked back. Ten years later, she worked for Reagan's California Gubernatorial race in 1986. The sweet taste of vic-tory for the Republican Party encouraged Madalyn to participate more and more in the world of politics. In 1976, Madalyn became a member of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW). This was the birth of a long and successful career that gave her an opportunity to learn more about politics, campaigns, and what it takes to win. Madalyn considered herself a "behind-the-scenes" kind of woman. She ran many campaigns for city, local, county, and state offices, but never wanted to be a candidate herself. She became a National Re-gent to the NFRW in 1984. As a Regent, she found herself having tea with First Lady Nancy Reagan, and has never missed a tea event with every Republican First Lady since.

Madalyn was a loving and supportive wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She is greatly missed.
In memory of Helen Taft, Class of 1934.
HHSAA Webmaster said:
General Louis C. Menetrey (Ret.)./Class of '47. Survived by wife Jane Owen Menetrey/Class of '47.

Ted Neal/Class of '47. Served in WWII and Korea. Board member of Hollywood High School Alumni Association.
Lou was a most friendly fellow. It seems to me that he participated in Pinafore as one of the crew. Achieving a four-star rating is a remarkable accomplishment. I had no idea he was so talented.

Tom Evans

Thomas s. Evans said:
HHSAA Webmaster said:
General Louis C. Menetrey (Ret.)./Class of '47. Survived by wife Jane Owen Menetrey/Class of '47.

Ted Neal/Class of '47. Served in WWII and Korea. Board member of Hollywood High School Alumni Association.

Hi Lynda, Of course I remember Madalyn and her father also. She was in Job's Daughters with us and her dad was the choir director. She was a very sweet person. I'm sorry to hear of her passing. Thankyou for the post. Kathy Hunt Gordon

Lynda K Noblitt Lucas said:
Madalyn Horton class of winter 1961. Born: 19 Apr 1943 Los Angeles California. Married: James Boekenoogen July 4, 1964 in Los Angeles, California. Died: February 12, 2006 in Gainesville Florida. Madalyn is survived by her loving husband Jim, sons Daniel and John Russell and, three beautiful grandsons. For most of Madalyn's life, she had been politically active in the Repub-lican Party. As a little girl, she attended her first campaign rally in 1956 for President Eisenhower and that was all it took. Madalyn was bitten by the political bug and never looked back. Ten years later, she worked for Reagan's California Gubernatorial race in 1986. The sweet taste of vic-tory for the Republican Party encouraged Madalyn to participate more and more in the world of politics. In 1976, Madalyn became a member of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW). This was the birth of a long and successful career that gave her an opportunity to learn more about politics, campaigns, and what it takes to win. Madalyn considered herself a "behind-the-scenes" kind of woman. She ran many campaigns for city, local, county, and state offices, but never wanted to be a candidate herself. She became a National Re-gent to the NFRW in 1984. As a Regent, she found herself having tea with First Lady Nancy Reagan, and has never missed a tea event with every Republican First Lady since.

Madalyn was a loving and supportive wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She is greatly missed.

David Crall was Michael Crall at Hollywood HS in 1963. He was active in the drama department and in several plays including The Young Man in "The Sandbox" and Danforth in "The Crucible". He went to Occidental College in the Summers for the Summer Drama Festival.

He was an astrologer, a computer games player, a writer, photographer, and good friend. He lived with his lifetime partner, and died in 2005.

In his own words on video games: "I was a real champ (expert - never met my match) at MUTANTS. But I couldn't play after a while because my scores looked like I was cheating. But I did know everything about the secrets of the game, and I had the access to do magic for new users.

". . . I got glued to the screen from then on, like a vampire to his coffin, and the sun would be rising while I was shutting the lid. I still don't think I have learned to act my age! What a thought! The new games are spectacular however in many ways, video, audio, story lines, morals, opportunities to win a get to higher levels. The animation is great, and it's a lot harder to stay alive. They also want you to pay. Who can blame them.

"It was fun, but not enough to pay anymore to online services high $$$ regularly for as long as possible. I do take advantage of the trial offers most of them have. You can usually play for a month before you have to join; lot's of times you don't get complete access (all your powers) until they get you money. Still they are usually worth looking at least once if it's free."

David was a very kind man. I'm sure he would share the following sentiments with any one of his classmates:

"I think I got a lot of good ideas keeping in touch. I'm glad we know each other. Definitely good, don't you think? You don't need to answer. Love you. David"
Although this happened more than a decade ago, I only recently learned, from his brother through an email exchange, that a dear friend of mine through high school, MARK ZAVALA had passed away. He was always a sweet soul, a gentleman and one we always saw at the dances (he made a very good dance partner!). May the heavens always shine on him and bestow the blessing of the kindness of angels on him....we lost him (and others in our class) much too soon!

Ariana BRUCK Fulginiti
Class of 1970
Ariana Bruck Fulginiti said:
Although this happened more than a decade ago, I only recently learned, from his brother through an email exchange, that a dear friend of mine through high school, MARK ZAVALA had passed away. He was always a sweet soul, a gentleman and one we always saw at the dances (he made a very good dance partner!). May the heavens always shine on him and bestow the blessing of the kindness of angels on him....we lost him (and others in our class) much too soon!

Ariana BRUCK Fulginiti
Class of 1970
Nina Blanchard/Nina Blanchard Modeling Agency Hollywood Ca. Passed away on 2/10/10, in Burbank Ca. Nina Blanchard 1928-2010 was class of W'46.
Amanda 'Mandy' York 1954-1993, HHS class of '72. (Mandy transferred to a private school in 11th grade) she was killed in a car accident, sadly & untimely.

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