Hey Class of 1984.......are we having a 25th reunion?? Has anybody heard anything about putting one together?
If so answer back and let me know where it will be held.....i would love to see everybody again........i havent seen anyone since our 10th which was so much fun.....best 2 days since we graduated i feel.........
Added by Jeffery Lucas on June 11, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Who's playing in the first HHS golf tourney at the Calilfornia Country Club July 2nd. This to benifit the athletic dept.
Please let me know.
Added by Ray Galindo on June 10, 2009 at 3:10pm —
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Well here I go again, cancer number #4. It seems like I just get well and I'm living my life to the fullest, with my family & friends and then I get my yearly check ups and the cancer is back, just in a different place. It seems there is a mother cell some where in my body and we just haven't been able to kill her off. So now I'm back doing cemo and now they have added radiation treatments everey day till November. The team of doctors I have can't believe I'm still alive. I told them it's…
Added by Willy M. Guldstrand ,VanDerBurgh on June 10, 2009 at 2:00pm —
1 Comment
Wow, after 19 years I'm back in the High school thing.
Added by Cristhian Velez on June 4, 2009 at 9:01am —
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