This film is a dramatic depiction of a widely misunderstood mental illness, PTSD - Censored by Apple iTunes

This film is a dramatic depiction of a widely misunderstood mental illness, PTSD

Copyright © 2010 "Therapy - The Cure of Tom McLeod”

* Intense * Provocative * Politically Incorrect - (Not A Comedy Spoof) *

A Unique Military Genre Movie!

Short Film Drama "Military" - Censored by Apple iTunes - Shorts International

This film is deep. Far more came from this movie than expected. Damian Hedgecoth is an amazing actor. At first you really aren't sure if he is acting or if this is a documentary. He really seems to be this person, rather than someone portraying him. Great job to all involved: a truly provocative experience.

Eight years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq have etched indelible scars on the psyches of many of the nation's service members, and the U.S. military is losing a battle to stem an epidemic of suicides in its ranks.

American military personnel are continuing to take their own lives in unprecedented numbers, as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq drag on for years beyond originally anticipated. By late November 2009, at least 334 members of the armed forces had committed suicide in just that year alone. This toll of military related suicides last year was the worst since records have been kept in 1980. During the month of January, 2010 more soldiers committed suicide (24) than were killed by enemy fire in Afghanistan and Iraq combined (16). This is unusual, but— astonishingly—are not unique.
In fact, the problem of military suicides is growing much worse, as Army Chief of Staff George Casey said in Hawaii. Casey claimed to be mystified by the suicide rates:
"The fact of the matter is, we just don't know" why suicides have increased, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey, Jr. said, "It's been very frustrating to me with the effort that we made over the last year, and we did not stem the tide."

Survivors of service members who have died by suicide wish their love-ones would be honored and remembered for the life they lived and the contributions they made, rather than the way in which they died.

At the 2010 DOD/VA Suicide Prevention Conference in Washington, D.C., Adm. Mike Mullen was optimistic about the Army's $50 million suicide study, but expressed concern about its five-year timeline. With 30 percent of U.S. soldiers expected to develop serious mental health problems within three to four months of returning home, the problem of military suicide may very well outlast the gunfire of both wars. As soldiers return from Iraq and Afghanistan, a new struggle begins to reintegrate our troops with their families and their communities.

As this occurs, we must look for warning signs of suicide and learn how we can help someone at risk. The most essential thing to communicate to soldiers who are suffering is that no matter how unbearable their pain may feel, treatment is available, and, in spite of whatever guilt, trauma or shame they carry with them, they can feel better Note: The Veterans Administration has implemented a help line (1-800-273-TALK), specifically designated for military personnel.

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