Since I don't type fast, here is a thumbnail sketch of my history:
45-46 Miami High
46-47 Asbestos High
47-48 Hollywood High
1949 Riverside Poly High
49-50 Went to Cal Poly to major in aero engr. Was more interested in motorcycles & drinking, which I did well, but did poorly in math & physics, so I figuered it was time to downgrade.
50-51 Went to Cal-Aero (in Glendale) & got an A&P licence.
52-55 Joined USAF to learn how to fly. After 9 mo. was kicked out of cadets for not being able to
handle booze. (They said I'd never become an officer & a gentleman). I cryed - future was ruined.
Spent the rest of the 4 years working as an F86d flight line mech while sharpening my drinking
skills. Had a ball racing jalopies for 2 summers. Loved it!
56-57 Went to Riverside City College for a semester, then to LACC.
57-59 Worked at McCulloch Corp. near LAX as a mech. lab tech. on acft.eng., superchargers, & chain saws.
59-60 Went to Santa Monica College & got an AS degree in electronics technology.
60-62 Worked for Litton Sys. as an electr. tech (on air data sys.)
62-69 Worked at Remex Electr. as a tech rep (on N/C machine tools). Plenty of travel.
69-77 Worked at Burgmaster (inspection & repair of new n/c
77-86 Worked at L.A. County as a traffic signal tech. Don't blame me - all my signals worked perfectly!
66-83 Cow trailing and dirt bike racing.
96-now RETIRED!! Yes, its all its cracked up to be, and then some. Love it!!
Oh yes, I joined AA in ‘77. Life's been good since then.
I'm gay (you already knew that but this makes it official).
I've had a lover since ‘79. Never thought it was in the cards for me since I'm still on the shy side.
We live in a condo 1 block from Hollywood High. No, I don't dwell a lot on the past.
David Chandler
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