Increase our Alumni Association MEMBERSHIP.
Plan a major Membership Drive.
Attract our Younger Alumni to the Association. Develop an “Associate and/or allied Members” program.
Develop plans to increase our Association’s INCOME. Add Fund-Raisers to our annual agenda.
Activate a special Solicitations’ Campaign.
Start a Merchandising program.
Continue to improve our scholarship program.
Put new attractions in the ALUMNI MUSEUM.
Update the Military and Athletic Sections.
Put an “Alumni Museum” sign on the front of the Library. Have the HHS Library recognized as a “Historic Structure.”
Develop a better PUBLIC RELATIONS’ platform. Work in closer harmony with the school.
Become more involved with the local community. Continue to improve the newsletter.
Renovate the Association’s By LAwS Streamline the wording.
Evaluate the structure.
Update the financial layout.
Continue to produce outstanding ALUMNI DAyS. Attract the largest turnouts ever.
Have more activities (on and off campus).
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