All Alum's Please write TheAssistant Principal to help us get back our Yearbooks from the Studnt Store!

Event Details

All Alum's Please write TheAssistant Principal to help  us get back our Yearbooks from the Studnt Store!

Time: September 28, 2016 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: HHS
Event Type: calling, on, all, alum's
Latest Activity: Sep 28, 2016

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Event Description

September 26, 2016

Dear Mr. Dovlatian,

My name is Dan Doyle, Class of HHS Summer 1966, past President and current board member of the Hollywood High School Alumni Association. The purpose of this letter is to address a situation involving approximately 500 of our yearbooks covering the entire history of our school from its beginnings to present day that were mistakenly moved from the library to the student store. These yearbooks were entrusted to the Alumni Association from the estates of Alumnus past and present to preserve the history of our school and create a legacy for generations to come.

The books were stored in the museum until about over a decade ago when our curators noticed some of the inventory was missing. We later found them being sold on internet sites such as EBAY and Craig’s list. The administration at that time was kind enough to give us a locked space in the library to store them. Tom Lee was one of the librarians at that time and I worked closely with him in producing the documentary “Hollywood High, The First 100 Years” which the school sold to Alumni and others to create scholarships for deserving students.

There had always been an arrangement between the various administrations and the Alumni Association to store the Annuals in the library and we board members were free to checkout annuals as needed for study and reproduction for those who had lost their annuals. In every case the funds generated were put into our scholarship fund and given away that very year as part of the funds used to create those scholarships.

In any event, the annuals are the property of the Hollywood High School Alumni Association and were donated to us for safekeeping by the surviving families of our fellow alumni. Some of these early annuals, which are over 100 years old, are very rare and require special care and in many cases represent the only artifacts of the school from those time periods. They need to be kept in a manner as to protect them for the sake of history.

We would deeply appreciate you help in returning them to us so we can continue to preserve the history of our fabulous school.


Dan Doyle
Past President HHSAA

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