Per our telephone conversation this evening, I have retyped the letter I mailed to you dated February 7th, 2012.   I enjoyed speaking with you and look forward to being of assistance to you in hopefully updating information on alumni who's mail has been returned, getting current addresses, information, etc.    I also look forward to seeing action take place with respects to getting recognition for the S49-W'50 Swim Team winning the All City Championship, as well as beating UCLA.  It was an amazing accomplishment, especially knowing that HHS did not have a swimming pool at the time....   I will be glad to volunteer my time in any way possible to make this recognition a part of HHS's Athletic Hall of Fame.   Please feel free to contact me at any time if any further information or assistance is needed.  Thank you again for your assistance in this matter......

Sharon L Brown (McDermott  S'54)

Dated:    February 7th, 2012


Dear Christopher Matthew:

Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment....  Hopefully, having Hollywood High School listed in the National Register of Historic Places will insure that the property is never sold and will remain forever on Highland Avenue and Sunset Boulevard.   It was a topic of concern with many of us Alumni on our website, originally founded and  managed by Marilyn Miller.  We had heard rumor that it was under discussion to sell the property.  Many of us were willing to do whatever it took to prevent that from happening.  This accomplishment was arrived at through many hours of work on your part I'm sure, and I'd like to personally extend my thanks for a job well done.

Since you seem to be a man able to get the job done, I'm writing to you about another concern with respects to Hollywood High School's History.  It never ceases to amaze me that the 'S49-W'50 HHS Swim Team isn't given any recognition in the Sports Hall of Fame at Hollywood High School.  This was the FIRST TEAM to win the ALL CITY CHAMPIONSHIP in the history of our school, and all of this was accomplished WITHOUT the benefit of having a POOL at Hollywood High.  In addition to winning the All City Championship, they also swam against UCLA and beat them..... Not an easy feat!

Hollywood High School should be proud of this accomplishment.  An All City Championship is BIG TIME, and yet it doesn't appear anywhere on the Athletic Hall of Fame.  
Why is this, and what needs to be done to get the recognition that the team so rightly deserves.   I know a handful of alumni who were on that team, and they are as puzzled as I am that no recognition of the team's great accomplishment appears on the HHS Athletic Hall of Fame.

Would it be possible for you to let me know what needs to be done to correct this oversight?  I would appreciate any information you could provide, and look forward to your response.

Thank you for your assistance, and once again, congratulations on HHS being listed in the National Register of Historic Places.


Sharon L. Brown (McDermott, S'54)

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