I am impressed since I had no contact for 63 years and then very professional contact. June Tanner Jaffee, W'49, is my only HHS classmate with whom I have had contact since moving across the country. Congratulations on being so organized, etc. You can save on the invitation since I will not be able to attend. My husband and I are going on a Smithsonian cruise to Greek Isles in June. We were in California three years ago, and I was impressed that the campus looked the same, to my joy. I enjoyed my years at HHS and learned a great deal; it was good springboard to UCBerkeley and provided me with wonderful memories.
I remember that a classmate did contact me a couple of years ago but there was little followup. I will forward to the Newsletter. Thanks,
Brunetta Reid Wolfman
P.S. My husband and I have two children, a daughter almost 59 who is an attorney working in D.C. She is an attorney married to an attorney and has two sons. Our son is in the Development Office of Hampshire College; he and his wife have two sons, the oldest is graduating from UMass Amherst in May.
Burt, my husband have had a house in Provincetown for over 20 years when we worked in Boston, kept it when we moved to jobs in Washington DC and retired in '96. We had a big house on the water but sold it and moved to an Assisted Living Facility in Provincetown when we retired. We love living here with our little dog, participate in lots of activities and find that growing old is not so bad since we have yoga and fitness activities every day. We travel and only have to close the door and go.
Thank you for staying in touch.
Brunetta Reid Wolfman W'59
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